Leshen – Lord of the Woods

Happy Thursday! Today’s post is a continuation of my Witcher cosplay series. Enjoy. πŸ˜€

Leshens are one of the many monsters that Geralt encounters on the path, and one of the very few that he will actively avoid fighting. They are cunning, mysterious, territorial, fast and unpredictable. Their old age makes them wise, and each strike is methodical. Their malevolence is grace.

No one really knows why leshens guard the woods with such passion, but one thing is for sure: they do not share.

Leshens can command wolves to attack on demand which gives them an edge in battle, and they can also shape shift into ravens for an aerial attack.

Fire is their only weakness.

If you encounter a leshen in the woods, it’s too late.

β€œWe never hunt in these woods. Never. Even if it means the whole village starves. At the heart of the forest lies a secret. In a place born of darkness and primeval nature, resides a mighty and terrifying guardian. Immune to human steel, it is believed the leshen is nature’s way of protecting the forest and the animals that live within it from the threat humans started to pose upon their ravaging expansion deeper into the lands.”

β€” Mulliver, ealdorman of Hoshberg in lower Aedirn

I had so much fun creating my version of a leshen, and cannot wait to tackle my next Witcher themed cosplay.

What are your plans for Halloween? Are you dressing up?

All my love,

8 thoughts on “Leshen – Lord of the Woods

  1. Oh my goodness!!! You seriously should have way more attention than you do! You’re seriously so talented and I absolutely loved this so much!! The outfit, make-up, the headpiece…love love love! Halloween, staying home, having a bon fire, Candy, pizza, punch, and some family and friends…nothing crazy or too big, keeping it simple. 😊

  2. I’ve never read the books, played the video games, nor watched the show, but your cosplays pique my curiosity! I might have to binge the show with the extra time on my hands – thanks Covid??

    I (ashamedly) researched a Leshen for reference, and I absolutely love your interpretation! I think you’ve got quite a talent πŸŽƒ

    As for Halloween plans, I might drag the firepit into the front yard to enjoy s’mores while I “yeet the treats” to kiddos πŸ‘»

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